Completed in 1918, Tippy Dam (known as Junction Hydro when it was built) was named after Charles W. Tippy, a board of directors chair for Consumers Power. Tippy is Consumer Energy’s second largest hydro dam producing up to 20,000 kilowatts and providing electricity to approximately 6,500 customers. Tippy Dam was known for its innovation and design when built, but today, most of the people you will find around Tippy are not there for a tour, they are there fishing the very popular “tailwaters” (the water immediately flowing from the dam) trying to land that large salmon or steelhead. Tippy’s backwaters, almost twice the size as Hodenpyl’s is home to many outdoor recreation opportunities such as fishing, boating, and camping along the shores.

Completed in 1925, Hodenpyl Dam is part of Consumers Energy’s network of 13 hydroelectric dams in Northern Lower Michigan. Hodenpyl Dam was named after Anton G. Hodenpyl, one of the founders of what was then Consumers Power. It produces up to 17,000 kilowatts (about 48 million kilowatt-hours per year), enough electricity to serve the annual power needs of 5,000 Michigan households. When Hodenpyl Dam was created, it flooded an area known as “Fletcher Valley” which is now known as Hodenpyl Dam Pond. The pond is approximately 8.5 miles long and 1.5 miles wide. The Federal Electric Regulatory Commission mandated that the land surrounding the pond be used for outdoor recreation. Today many boating and watersports enthusiasts frequent the area throughout the summer months. It is a fantastic area to spend the day with your boat and a group of friends, relaxing on the water.
Find great lodging in Manistee County on your trip to Hodenpyl and Tippy Dam.
Check out our Bridges and Dams Tour – Explore this multi-day trip through the unique bridges and dams of Manistee County.
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