Fall Hidden Gems

Top 5 Hidden Gems on the #MyManistee Fall Color Tour PC: Wee Bee Jammin’ 1. Wee Bee Jammin’ Enjoy browsing jams, honey and trinkets in a rustic setting in lovely Bear Lake. Wee Bee Jammin’ has unique goods, jewelry, pottery, jams, honey and so much more,...
Grebe Park

Grebe Park

Arcadia Lake is a 100-acre, natural beauty gem and Grebe Park, both family- and pet-friendly, offers access to all. Through the park’s association with Manistee County’s Explore the Shores Program, construction of a special fishing platform and launch site for kayaks...
Hooked on Salmon

Hooked on Salmon

Salmon fever erupted in Lake Michigan in the late 1960’s. Actually, erupted is an understatement: How about EXPLODED! For many years prior, Lake Michigan fishing was mostly fishing… not so much catching. The lamprey had devastated the lake trout. There were no salmon...