Golfing in Manistee County
The bluffs overlooking Lake Michigan and the mature hardwoods of the Manistee National Forest make the perfect setting for championship golfing in Northern Michigan. You’ll find both in Manistee County, and that’s why it is one of Michigan’s premier golf destinations.

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Enjoy the unique and beautiful golf courses on your visit to Manistee CountySearch our Golf Courses in the Manistee Area
Found 4 listings
Social: Facebook
Address: 4797 Grant Highway, Manistee, MI, United States
Categories: Golf Resorts Golfing Hotels Manistee Area Where to Stay
Phone: 231-398-0123
Social: Follow us on Facebook
Address: 500 Cherry Road, Manistee, MI, United States
Categories: Golfing
Phone: 231-723-2509
Website: Visit Manistee Golf and Country Club
Address: 11865 Chippewa Highway, Bear Lake, MI, United States
Categories: Golfing
Phone: 231-398-3980
Website: Visit Wolf River Park
Social: Facebook
Address: 14710 Northwood Highway, Arcadia, MI, United States
Categories: Golf Resorts Golfing Hotels North Coast Waterfront Lodging Where to Stay
Phone: 1-800-494-8666
Website: Visit Arcadia Bluffs
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