Golfing in Manistee County

The bluffs overlooking Lake Michigan and the mature hardwoods of the Manistee National Forest make the perfect setting for championship golfing in Northern Michigan. You’ll find both in Manistee County, and that’s why it is one of Michigan’s premier golf destinations.

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Follow the travelers that love Manistee County, enjoy these stories about our incredible outdoor recreation, things-to-do, dining, shopping and unique experiences you will ONLY find here.

Browse our latest #MyManistee perspectives here, or scroll through these top stories in your category.

Manistee’s sugar sand beaches

In the City of Manistee, over 130 acres of Lake Michigan sandy beachfront parks straddle the banks of the Manistee River Channel. First Street Beach/Douglas Park to the south, and Fifth Avenue Beach and Park to the north, offer open, accessible concession...

Great Music, Great People and Summer Concerts

Great music, great people, open air and it’s all free. There are several summer-long concert series that feature a variety of musical genres in Manistee County on different days. Kick back and enjoy! FREE Summer Concerts  Concerts in the Park, Onekama Village...

Generations of Land: Farms in Manistee County

Farming in Manistee County is not just a job for the families who live and work here- it is part of their history and culture. Each individual farming family is unique in its own way, celebrating the traditions of ancestors through each crop they harvest...

Music & Events

Live music and events are not hard to find in Manistee County! Between free concerts throughout the week, community heritage days, and signature events, #MyManistee has a little something for everyone.LIVE MUSIC IN #MYMANISTEEOnekama Concerts in the Park - Monday...

Our Lakeshore in Manistee County

Lake Michigan at the Portage Lake outlet, Onekama, MI : Photo Credit: Al Taylor Boaters who travel the Great Lake Michigan to visit Manistee County know to keep their charts and GPS handy. There are no skyscrapers or tall bridges to eyeball on this section...

Outdoor Adventure in Manistee’s North Woods

If you’re an adventurous explorer, you’ve come to the right place. Our North Woods are in the heart of four-season natural beauty with thrill-a-minute activities. A passionate group of entrepreneurs have developed their own visions to share, creating...

Arcadia Overlook

As you are driving north through Manistee County on the beautiful Scenic Highway M-22, you will find yourself "on top of the county" when you reach the Arcadia Overlook (known by some as "Inspiration Point").  When you travel through the quaint town of...

144 Greens: Start planning your golf vacation

There is perhaps no better spot in all of Michigan golf than the balcony at Arcadia Bluffs Golf Club at sunset. The views toward the horizon of Lake Michigan stretch for miles. The fescue grasses of the course’s rugged dunes flutter in the wind and shimmer...

Fall Foodie Stops

Every single stop is a "must try" when visiting this fall in #MyManistee The Manistee’s foodie scene welcomes you to explore a diverse array of flavors served up by talented chefs delivering fresh regional favorites with their own signature flair. From the casual...

A Passenger Ship Through the Past – Touring the S.S. City of Milwaukee

Written by: Andrew Allen Growing up in Manistee County somehow the S.S. City of Milwaukee always seemed to hide right in plain sight. I’d drive past the massive (347 foot passenger/railroad car) ferry without really giving it much thought. Finally, sometime in high...